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Along with most of the usual widgets, Nui also supports Slivers - special widgets responsible for implementing complex patterns related to scrolling on the screen.

You have two ways to use Slivers in your interface implemented with Nui:

  1. You can use any implemented slivers as root elements, immediately in the main tag list, if you use the scrollable type, of the ScreenField.
  2. You can use as descendants, such widgets (tags), directly inside the <customScrollView></customScrollView> tag.

If you want to add your own sliver tag, the flow of adding it is almost the same as adding a regular widget. The only difference is that you need to specify in the tagType parameter the value TagType.sliver, and also, add the function-checker, as an argument of sliverChecker, of the CmsConfig class, when configuring Nanc, and pass the same function as the same name to the NuiListWidget widget.

An example of using a sliver tag directly in the main scrollable (NuiListWidget) tag flow:

<sliverAppBar floating="true" stretch="true" onStretchTrigger="snackbar: Stretched" expandedHeight="100">
<alias name="title">
<text color="white">
Nanc App
<alias name="flexibleSpace">
<flexibleSpaceBar blurBackground="true" zoomBackground="true" fadeTitle="true">
<alias name="background">
<image ref="" useCache="false" fit="cover"/>

<sizedBox height="8"/>

<for from="0" to="10">
<padding left="8" right="8" bottom="8">
<container height="50" color="#80FF0000"/>
<padding left="8" right="8" bottom="8">
<container height="50" color="#8000FF24"/>
<padding left="8" right="8" bottom="8">
<container height="50" color="#8021A0E6"/>

An example of using a sliver tag right inside <customScrollView>, in stack (NuiStackWidget):

<sizedBox height="8"/>
<!-- from="0" can be omitted -->
<for to="10">
<padding left="8" right="8" bottom="8">
<container height="100" color="red"/>
<padding left="8" right="8" bottom="8">
<container height="100" color="green"/>
<sliverPadding left="8" right="8">
<for to="10">
<padding bottom="8">
<container height="100" color="yellow"/>
<for to="10">
<padding left="8" right="8" bottom="8">
<container height="100" color="blue"/>